SC Soft Furnishings | Leisure & Hospitality
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Leisure & Hospitality


Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group

Leisure & Hospitality

We are currently working closely with satellite architects on a project with a phased roll out program. This includes The Park Inn Hotels, in Manchester, Northampton & York. The project consists of bedroom curtains, voiles, tracks, base valances and meeting rooms blackout blinds.

Leasowe Castle

Latimer Estate

Hilton Double Tree Chester

East Hampstead Conference Centre

East Hampstead Park Conference Centre

The Mere Golf Resort & Spa

De Vere Latimer Estate

Principal Hayley De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms

Principal Hayley De Vere

Grand Connaught Rooms

The Mount Hotel

The Mount Hotel

Get in Touch Today

We invite you to review our projects and please feel free to contact us.
